Business activity management system of control of industrial enterprises development
development control system, management, industrial enterprise, business activity, strategy, risk, operational activityAbstract
The aim of the research is to expand on the notion 'control system of industrial enterprises development' and ground the strategies of management of business activity as one of the subsystems of development control. The work considers the development control system from the point of view of sustaining the business activity efficiency as a complex of managerial decisions aimed at ensuring the satisfactory state of control subsystems - control of solvency, financial stability, business activity, cost efficiency, assets, cash flows - whose realization allows one to achieve the set aims in short-, medium- and long-term periods of time.
There has been examined the notion of business activity of an industrial enterprise. There have been shown the characteristics of business activity management in the modern conditions of economy management, which mean constant necessity to trace and react to the changes of the external environment, and attract and exploit investment resources to increase the competitiveness of the production and the enterprise; and to use innovative technologies in the production process to cut production costs; to search for modern innovative marketing approaches to increase production sales volumes.
There have been grounded the strategies of industrial enterprise business activity management, particularly, the strategies defining the rates of development (aggressive strategy, moderate and conservative ones); strategies depending on the stage of economic development (strategy of growth, stabilization, activity reduction); functional strategies (marketing, production and resource). There have been determined the interconnections between the strategies in the existing conditions of business. For aggressive, moderate and conservative management strategies there have been defined internal and external conditions which form these strategies, as well as advantages and disadvantages of the strategies. The risks connected with any strategy have been studied.
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