Analysis the efficiency of fixed assets in the economy of Ukraine
capital assets, capital, factor analysisAbstract
Analysis of statistical data for the period from 2007 to 2010 shows the increase in the value of fixed assets in the whole economy of Ukraine in all economic activities. Uneven changes in the value of fixed assets for certain types of economic activity led to a significant restructuring of plant and equipment at cost. In 2007 the largest share of assets was noted in industry, in 2010 - in transport and communications.
Cost of sales for all types of activities increased in the whole economy of Ukraine during the same period. There is increase in the cost of sales for the period observed in all activities except construction.
The data indicate a steady trend of decline in capital productivity in the whole economy of Ukraine. Factor analysis of changes in the volume of sales has shown that, in general, Ukraine's economy by reducing fixed assets productivity decreased sales by year study period. In this paper, the amount of reduction under this factor estimated.
These calculations show the rising cost of goods sold exclusively by extensive factor - that is, by expanding the core business. Attention is paid to the trend of continuous decrease in assets, that indicates deficiencies in policy of fixed assets reproduction.
As a result of the correlation analysis between capital changes indexes and major fixed assets movement changes indexes (value of property, plant and equipment updated value, the value of liquidated assets, depreciation, cost of depreciation) the only presence of a statistically significant relation with index value of fixed assets had established.
The basic directions for improving the efficiency analysis of fixed assets in Ukraine are given, which include: factor analysis of fixed assets growth at cost factor and volume factor, change dynamics in the ratio of internal and external sources of finance analysis, changes in the proportion of the active part of fixed assets analysis.
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