Institutional condition of reproduction of intellectual capital


  • Ilona Levina Донецький національний технічний університет, Ukraine



intellectual capital, reproduction of intellectual capital, institutional traps, institutional environment


The article is discussed the institutional condition of reproduction of intellectual capital. On the basis of the comparative approach examined the development of intellectual capital and factors of building of the knowledge economy. Analysis of external and internal factors of reproduction of intellectual capital in Ukraine has identified the main reasons for the ineffectiveness of development and institutional "traps". There are proposed the recommendations directed to provide an extended reproduction of intellectual capital

Author Biography

Ilona Levina, Донецький національний технічний університет

кандидат економічних наук, доцент


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How to Cite

Levina, I. (2013). Institutional condition of reproduction of intellectual capital. Skhid, (7(114), 41–44.


