Methodological approaches to the formation of the competitive advantages of the enterprise management
competitive relationships, competitiveness, competition, competitive advantage, management of competitive advantage, competitive strategyAbstract
A lot of distinct features are typical for the formed conceptual approaches to the management of the competitive advantages. They do not only touch upon the conceptual apparatus but also upon the way the purposes are put, the theoretic-methodological and the practical base of the investigation process and the market analysis.
But first of all the competitive advantages of an enterprise become the main link in the investigation of those advantages. Enterprise is a separate social-economic unit where certain goods are produced, services that may be realized thanks to the adequate system of management, strategies and competences of the development are provided.
The essence of the competitive advantages is considered in the special economic literature from the view point of: the possibilities of leaving behind the rivals due to certain actions and factors; more rationalized use of different resources; certain value and competence in comparison with the competitors.
The essence of the notion of competitive advantages we consider as the category inseparably connected and inter-conditioned with the notion of the theory of competition, namely: competitiveness, competitive ability, competitive stability, competitive position, competitive status, competitive strategy, and competitive potential.
The essence of forming the strategy of competition lies in the inter-connection between the enterprise and its outer surrounding. Relevant outer surrounding is rather wide because it includes different social and economic factors, but the key aspect of the outer encirclement of the enterprise is the field it wages his competitive struggle in. The structure of this particular sphere greatly influences the definition of the rules of the competitive play as well as the potential strategies of the enterprise.
Competitive advantages are not eternal; they are gained and kept only thanks to the constant improvement of the spheres of activity. The main directions in defending the competitive advantages may be monopolies at the market, patents, know-how, access to the sources of raw materials or communications. In defining the competitive advantages the organization should orient itself towards the consumers' demands and make sure these advantages are valuable for them.
The aim of the system of managing the competitive advantages is to secure the integral index of the competitive advantages of the enterprise, to sustain the indices of those advantages on the level of the functional subsystems, thus attaining the optimal indices, but this is a local moment in comparison with the general purpose.
The competitive advantages should be considered through the system of their types' classification, through the organizational connection of separate constituents and sources of forming the competitive advantages. As a result they all define the synergic effect in achieving success by the enterprise in the market encircling.References
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