Personnel efficiency managing in the enterprise
efficiency, the staff, the use of personnel, management system, working conditions, health and safetyAbstract
On the basis of dissertations of domestic and Russian researchers, as well as some articles in professional publications conclusions about fundamental matters that reveal the theme of management of staff performance in the Ukraine were made.
Personnel efficiency research analysis allowed to formulate the problem, the solution of which in today's economy Ukraine will provide the possibility of creating labor safety management system on a fundamentally new basis taking into account all stakeholders economic interest.
Thus, it is concluded that, unresolved, as is generally imperfect system of public health and safety management in the plane of conditions and factors related loss of working time and control systems in individual enterprises. Built on the principles of administration, it is an obstacle to modern conditions of production relations, but because the system adequate market relations and market institutions of governance is required.
At the enterprise level the development of economic management to improve working conditions, use of time, the use of performance management of staff is required. These systems operating should exclude stiffness employees exploitation, violation of labor laws, and it is possible by the transition to economic principles of their construction.
The complement enterprise management subsystem safety management is needed. This should be built on new principles and should integrate these into a single the components that have been developed and used in different subsystems of the enterprise alone.
Theoretical formulation of the problem that must be addressed as part of performance management subsystem using personnel was formulated.
It is concluded that the change in the economy ideological assumptions requires a change in approach to the construction of public personnel management system. Previously, the state assumed a number of features for creating human capital (education, health care, providing of housing and communal living conditions, etc.), most of them passed to the enterprises responsibility in the market conditions. This has led to increased costs for businesses, or, as happened in reality, while maintaining the level of spending - will inevitably reduce the volume and quality of the measures.
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