Corporation's financial safety tools formation
financial security of the corporation, the corporation, financial threats, financial interests, mechanisms of financial securityAbstract
At the moment of corporate relation development it is very crucial to study the problem of Ukraine's economic interests' protection and national financial safety system formation. Financial safety is a key subsystem of all-level economic safety. At the same time, formation of financial safety's system at all levels (state, region, corporate structure, person) had no attention from domestic researchers. And carried studies are non-systemic and not consistent. In present article conceptual approaches to the formation of financial safety's securing tools for corporation under dynamic environment conditions are suggested. In particular, existing approaches to the definition of the category "financial safety" are analyzed and the author's approach to the definition is presented. Also destructive factors defining the state of financial safety at any level are identified; the conclusion that it is necessary to identify sources of existing and potential financial threats and determine the resources to neutralize them has been made. It is suggested to consider the financial threat as a dynamic system of causal relationships with many feedback loops allowing identification of vector influencing the object. All stated above determines the necessity for concept of financial safety's system creation at base level of the economic system - the corporation.
The developed concept involves defining the principles of the proposed system, formulation of managing goals and tasks, systematization of potential safety threats, the determination of control object and most importantly - the development of financial safety securing tool for corporation under dynamic environment conditions. The proposed concept is aimed to achieving and maintaining of certain level of corporation's financial condition, providing long term sustainability.
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