Methodological basis of the Category Management concept
category management, retail, trade category, logistic chainAbstract
This paper deals with the main methodological basis of the Category Management concept. Nowadays the vital problem is the study of concept's methodological principles in the light of peculiarities and conditions of home market as the concept of Category Management is relatively new business-paradigm for the contemporary Ukrainian retail.
It was found out that Category Management: is acknowledged by professionals as the one of the key strategic factors of retail; is the most reasonable subject to the availability of a wideassortment, considerable turnover and (or) availability of the developed retail network.
It was proved that the concept of Category Management can distinguish the following four aspects: methodological (philosophical); structural methodical; informational technological and organizational structural. The emphasis of this study is on the first aspect that is the aim of the paper is the study of methodological principles of appearance of the Category Management concept.
The graphic logical model of methodological basis of the Category Management concept was worked out. Methodological basis of the concept of Category Management is the set of key positions of the following concepts: TQM (Total Quality Management), ECR (Efficient Consumer Response), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), SCM (Supply Chain Management), DCM (Demand Chain Management), and also Pull Strategy (planning approach).
The most well-reasoned and widespread definitions of the concept Category Management were considered. They were analyzed in the context of their components: entities (legal and physical) and subjects of management. The elements of author's definition of the scientific category "category of management" are suggested and explained.
In perspective of further research is to analyze structural methodical and informational technological aspects of the concept of Category Management.
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