Geostrategic positioning of Ukraine in the context of global development divergence
geostrategic positioning, global transformations, global challenges, geostrategic choice, European integration vectorAbstract
This article presents a formulation for identifying signs of contemporary global transformations in which system-based uncertainty have been shown. From the compositional point of view, research on this topic has revealed two main directions: (1) a wide range of urgent problems concerning construction of the geostrategic matrix of global-development divergence has been shown, and (2) a direction that focuses on the profound study of Ukrainian geo-economic positioning problems in the global space. On the basis of integrated indicators, rating assessments have been conducted and the problems of Ukrainian geo-strategic positioning in the polycentric geo-space have been shown as well. Prospects for state geostrategic choice considering national interests, global challenges, and transformations have been outlined. The hypothesis concerning Ukraine making the European civilization has been made. It has been reasoned that by utilizing the form of European integration known as "European Concentric Circles" Ukraine will have new prospects for the deepening of European integration policy on an equal basis with a possibility of achieving European living standards and socioeconomic development, the establishment of European principles for sociopolitical progress, a deepening of social democratization, and a monolithic political nation consolidation.
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