Modern factors affecting the gold price
nominal price of gold, real price of gold, gold dinar, gold reservesAbstract
Even after the process of gold demonetization, this metal continues to play significant role in modern world economy. This metal is not only used in the industry, but is also used in the investment. Comparing the nominal price of gold at different periods, we can see that over the last decade the price of this metal has increased significantly. However, if we will take into account the real price of gold, we will find out that its highest level was recorded in 1980.
It is clear, that the price of gold is influenced significantly by the inflation. But in modern world price of gold is affected not only by the inflation. That is why we should also take into account other factors influencing the price of gold. Under the conditions of financial globalization the price of gold is mainly affected by four factors: American, Asian, Islamic and Natural factors.
The purpose of the article is to separate main factors influencing the price of gold and to analyze they role in pricing under the conditions of financial globalization.
Due to this, main factors affecting the price of gold in modern conditions of economic development are examined in the article. Certain peculiarities of the impact of these factors on the gold price under the conditions of financial globalization are discovered and analyzed. The world gold reserves are analyzed. The possibilities of changes in the structure of world gold demand are considered. The conclusions regarding the prospects for future growth of gold prices are drawn.
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