Innovative development mechanical engineering of Ukraine in the context of the formation of the postindustrial society
innovative activity, mechanical engineering, machine-building enterprisesAbstract
The article presents the dynamics of the main indicators of development of mechanical engineering of Ukraine in the 21st century. According to the results of the analysis of the rate of growth of production, export and import of products of mechanical engineering in General correspond to global trends of development of the market of machine-building production.Determined that Ukraine has a high level of depreciation of fixed assets in the industry, which indicates the existence of a stable demand for equipment inside of the country in the coming years.Basic needs in equipment and machine-technical production in the whole Ukraine provides not at the expense of domestic production and import. However, there are types of engineering products, intended for household needs of the consumers. Taken by the author of a systematic analysis of the processes that occur in engineering, gave an opportunity to highlight the problems of the modern state of development of the machine-building complex of Ukraine, the solution of which can be considered as a strategic guide for the nearest years. The author proves that the development of machine-building may take place solely on the innovation-investment basis, the broad application of the newest technologies of domestic origin and through the effective use of the borrowed technologies. The author considers that the machinery should form strategic potential formation of the postindustrial society. This is his main task and goal of development. Only by providing innovative directions of the goal to develop a competitive economy. In this case, speaking about the innovative direction, the author considers that Ukraine has not lost the chance to return in a number of industrialized countries, which supply complex high-tech products.
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