Culture and religion: social and philosophy analyse
culture, civilization, religion, myth, societyAbstract
The article investigates the problem of interconditionality, interrelation and interference of culture, religion and society, their development and existence. The conclusion is drawn that evolution of culture, civilization and society are connected with the following stages of religion's evolution: polydemonism (primitive society with appropriating type of economy, emergence and formation of consciousness and spiritual culture), polytheism (agrarian society with producing type of economy, culture) and abstract religions (civilization, urbanization and creation of artificial systems, emergence and development of philosophy). This process is conditioned by development of human communities, their requirements under influence of the objective and subjective reasons. So it is affirmed that the spiritual culture presented by different myth and religious systems as the point of explanation and solution of accumulated problems always followed the development of material culture and society interpreting their achievements, transforming them to conscious form and system.
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