Legal factors in the conceptualization of liberal and communitarian models of civil society


  • Iryna Bartahariyeva Донецький національний університет, Ukraine



civil society, social self-organization, Ukrainian practice, Natural Law, Juridical positivism


The article deals with the role and meaning of the Law discourse in the civil society model's development. The thesis focuses on the close connections law foundations and rules with the development of socio-cultural models social self-organization, as well as with dimensions of Natural Law and Juridical positivism, the influence of theoretical concepts civil society on practical functioning of European society are explored. The article focuses on incompatibility of contemporary Ukrainian practice with Europeans law patterns, lack of horizontal forms solidarity and trust take place.

Author Biography

Iryna Bartahariyeva, Донецький національний університет

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How to Cite

Bartahariyeva, I. (2013). Legal factors in the conceptualization of liberal and communitarian models of civil society. Skhid, (6(120), 149–153.


