The armed forces of UN peacekeeping and Ukraine's participation in peacekeeping operations
UN, peacemaking operations, democratic ideas, missionsAbstract
Structural relations betweenUkraineand UN which is based on the mutual understanding and readiness for collaboration on questions of peace maintenance in the world problem regions, are considered in the article.
UN peacekeeping activity is an important tool in the arsenal of resources for ensuring international stability and security. The primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security is assigned to UN Security Council. The essence of international peacekeeping activities strategy ofUkraineunder the UN control in the theoretical and methodological, political and social aspects are shown. Since its existence, the UN conduct International Peacekeeping Operations, Ukraine also participates in most peacekeeping operations under UN auspices and supports participation in the most states.Ukraine's interests as a founder of the United Nations, an active peacemaker, OSCE member is to find the optimal parameters of peacekeeping, where peacekeeping inUkraineis one of the main areas of preparation and application departments and units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
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