Organizational structure and composition of the National Democratic Party of Germany
Right radicalism, Right extremism, National Democratic PartyAbstract
Using German sources and research by academics fromGermany, the author examines the history of the most notable right-radical political organization inGermany: the National Democratic Party. The article focuses on the party's organizational structure and composition.
Particular attention is paid to the structure of the governing bodies; methods of financing; the party's youth organization, Young National Democrats; and the party press. Individual structures of the party was "Service of order" and press organ of the party was newspaper "Deutsche Stimme".
It is notable that the party is organized on the principles of strong vertical power. During its formation, consolidation and major electoral success, the party and its organizations have the maximum number of members. The party is financed by membership fees, donations, contributions from members of the faction, loans and money refunded after the elections to the Bundestag.
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