The criteria of professional competence: international experience and its use in Ukraine


  • Iryna Behanska Донецький державний університет управління, Ukraine



professional competence, standards, international experience


In the article describes the definition of the competence, the main approaches to development the standards of modern staff professional competence in several European countries have defined. The forms of interaction of social partners, which are the government and the business have showed in this process. The models of this interaction which have practical application in European countries have described, the principles and criteria the most appropriate to the social conditions of Ukraine have recommended for use.

Author Biography

Iryna Behanska, Донецький державний університет управління

кандидат наук з державного управління, доцент


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How to Cite

Behanska, I. (2013). The criteria of professional competence: international experience and its use in Ukraine. Skhid, (5(119), 7–11.


