Ukrainization of educational space of the 1920s: national context and historiographical navigation
Ukrainization, indigenization, historiography, education, schools, Ukrainian language, building up of state, building up of nationAbstract
The article deals with an analysis of educational aspects of the Ukrainian national context of Ukrainization of the 1920s from the perspective of studying the historiography of the issue. The author focuses on historiographical sources and scientific statements of historical, historico-pedagogical and cultural studies of the prerequisites, content, features and civilizational dimension of the educational aspect of Ukrainization as a broad policy in relation to the institutionalization and development of education, Ukrainian by nature and content. The article draws attention to coverage by historians of reforming problems of school education of that time, their analysis of ways for providing schools with required Ukrainian literature. It is pointed out that historians put an emphasis on the fact that despite its ideological foundations (efforts to implant Bolshevik power) the results of Ukrainization were related to building up the nation and state. It is stated that the current historiographical process looking into the educational dimension of Ukrainization is represented by a wide spectrum of scientific works which range of subject interests allows to highlight Ukrainization of educational space of that time as a holistic and system process which content was underpinned by objective conditions and was well thought-out and logical. The article outlines some prospects of examining the educational dimension of Ukrainization and draws attention to the value of its implementation experience in the context of the development of the modern education system of Ukraine.
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