The staff ensuring of publishing houses of the Soviet Ukraine in 20th-30th of XX century
publishing house, publishing business, staff, staff ensuring, staff complement, specialistAbstract
The article deals with special features of staff ensuring of USSR's publishing houses in 20-30th of XX century. It is shown that interference of party-soviet leadership into the inner activity of publishing houses became a norm from the very beginning of the soviet period of it's history. In positions of responsibility assigned to people not on professional level, and by party affiliation and not only members of the Communist Party, but also to the respective party experience. If in the 1920th the problem of staff ensuring of publishing house settled on their own and the state is only partially subsidized the system of vocational education for the printing industry, then at the end of the 1920th to the early 1930th essentially the Governments were engaged in training of experts for the publishing industry.References
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