Prospects for economic diversification of the Kryvyy Rih-city
diversification, mining and metallurgical complex, cluster analysis of the economy, institutional analysis of the economy, benchmarking, investment, SWOT-analysisAbstract
This article presents the perspectives of economic diversification of the Kryvyy Rih-city, developed on the basis of current data on the economic structure of collected units of the executive committee of Kryvyy Rih City's Council in the preparation of strategic plan development and implementation of Canadian economic development projects "Ukraine municipal local economic development" and "Building Capacity in Evidence-Based Economic Development Planning in Ukrainian Oblasts and Municipalities".References
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Copyright (c) 2013 Yurii Vilkul, Kostiantyn Pavlov, Oleksandr Svitlychnyy, Andriy Nahornyy

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