Stalingrad strategic offensive operation (19.11.1942 - 02.02.1943): factors of success of tank for surrounding and destruction of large factions of enemy
Stalingrad strategic offensive operations, front line, tank corpsAbstract
Author in this article continuous publications on the Battle of Stalingrad, revealing the role of army armored troops of Red Army during the breakthrough of the enemy’s defense and surroundings of the 6th and 4th tank armies during the Stalingrad strategic offensive operation in the autumn-winter of 1942-1943, as the only one operation of the southwest, Don and Stalingrad fronts. The importance of groups of tanks of direct support of the infantry during the breakthrough of the enemy's defense and mobile units (tank and mechanized corps) during the completion of the breakthrough of the main enemy's defensive zone and the development of success inside of the enemy lines have been analyzed. The experience of the association of three tank corps for closer interaction under the general leadership of one of these commanders was singled out, which was the basis for the formation in the spring of 1943 of tank armies of a uniform composition.
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