The Peron’s doctrine features and its influence on Argentina’s development


  • Andriy Bredihyn Донецький національний університет, Ukraine



H. D. Peron, doctrine, implementation, development, Argentina


The given article is devoted to the analysis of the H.D. Peron's doctrine. Complex of the ideological peronist's background is based on political, economic and social components. The short analysis of "19 truth of Peronism" and features of implementation are presented.


Author Biography

Andriy Bredihyn, Донецький національний університет

доктор історичних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри всесвітньої історії


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How to Cite

Bredihyn, A. (2013). The Peron’s doctrine features and its influence on Argentina’s development. Skhid, (3(117), 85–88.


