Historical aspects of state museum network in the Carpathians
museums, museum business, museology, public museums, Carpathian, Ivano-Frankivsk regionAbstract
The paper deals with the specifics of a of state museum network of Carpathians. Ivano-Frankivsk museum institutions subordinated to the state were chosen to be a test subject. Accordingly, the subject of research of the present paper is historical aspects of public museums' operation of definite region.
Topicality of the study was defined by the fact that it is the western region of our country where the museums are extremely widespread. This region has traditionally been and remains "Ukrainian Piedmont", and the local population has a high level of national cultural consciousness and, therefore, interest in creating and development of regional museums. In Western Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk region is a very specific territory with unique local ethnographic flavor, glorious history and culture; it is located in the scenic foothills and mountainous regions of the Carpathians.
The features of operation of the first public museums in the region under consideration are defined. The historical path of the leading public museum institutions of Ivano-Frankivsk region (regional, urban and rural) is studied. Forms and methods of museum work are analyzed.
To study in details the issues outlined within the paper, the archival sources were analyzed, including, in particular, funds of the State Archive of Ivano-Frankivsk region, where there are the documents of museum institutions.
Resulted from carried out research, the instructive conclusions were made about the characteristics of the formation of public museum networks in the Carpathian region during the second half of XX - beginning of XXI century. In particular, it was noted that till present the Carpathian State Museums play an active role in protection of cultural heritage, exhibition, research and education work.
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