Activity of schools and educational courses for soldiers of the Ukrainian Galician Army interned in Czechoslovakia as a form of their socialization (1919-1920)




school, educational courses, learning, interned soldiers, camp, Ukrainian Galician Army


This article analyzes the activity of schools and educational courses in the camp for interned Ukrainian Galician Army combatants in Německé Jablonné (Czechoslovakia) in 1919-1920. One of their main tasks was elimination of illiteracy among soldiers. Soldiers who had a sufficient educational background (complete elementary education or incomplete secondary education) attended special courses covering cooperation, milk production, agriculture, etc. Besides, interned soldiers could learn the trade of shoemakers, tailors, carpenters, locksmiths, bookbinders, and electricians; there were also veterinarian and medical studies. Petty officers had an opportunity to finish their school education and prepare to enter higher educational institutions inCzechoslovakia.

Due to the above activity, interned Ukrainian soldiers could find a job connected with their professional experience within Czechoslovakia, while university graduates worked as engineers, teachers, doctors, etc. The activity of camp educational courses resulted in a significant drop in illiteracy rates among interned soldiers of the Ukrainian Galician Army. That phenomenon helped them be prepared for civil status. The educational initiative in camps provided Ukrainian soldiers with great opportunities for studying abroad according to their civil qualifications.

Author Biography

Ihor Sribniak, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor

Head of the Department of World History of the Historical and Philosophical Faculty


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How to Cite

Krotofil, M., & Sribniak, I. (2019). Activity of schools and educational courses for soldiers of the Ukrainian Galician Army interned in Czechoslovakia as a form of their socialization (1919-1920). Skhid, (6(158), 58–62.



World History