Anthropomystical line in the history of Ukrainian philosophy
anthropomysticism, paradigm, Ukrainian philosophy, the psychoexistential, mysticism, mystical realism, mentalityAbstract
The article examines essential determinants which influenced the history of becoming of anthropomystical paradigm in Ukrainian philosophy. Anthropomysticism is defined as anthropological doctrine based on mystical ontological background which maintains actual possibilities of transcendence as a mode of human existence. There exist two basic anthropomystical paradigms - substantial one and energetical one, they are attributive for any systemic form of social consciousness. Ukrainian mentality is proved to synthesize the elements of both paradigms. Ukrainian folklore, religious doctrines and philosophical issues correlate with ontological framework of mystical realism which posits human existence as holonomic to Being (Nature). Forms of mystical realism are subjected to the strategy of historical reconstruction of evolution of Ukrainian mentality. Rational reconstruction of anthropomystical categories is meant to enrich the post-nonclassical conceptualization of phenomena of mystical consciousness. Anthropomysticism as a psychoexistential paradigm of mystical philosophy proved to be an authentic component of Ukrainian mentality as far as the elements of anthropomysticism can be found at every stage of its evolution and on every stratum of its structure (myth, poetics, casual thinking, philosophy). Prevalence of existential cultural forms over rationalist conceptuality is proved to be characteristic for Ukrainian philosophy.
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