Tlanguage problems in contemporary philosophy: pragmatic approach
language, speech, pragmatics, meaning, Language-game, speech act, locution, illocution, perlocution, socialityAbstract
The meaning of pragmatic approach to linguistic problems of the twentieth century Philosophy is considered on a base of work of L. Wittgenstein, John Austin, P. Kemp. It is analyzed the pragmatic dimension of correlation between language, thought, communicative environment and social actuality. We note that a speech action is closely connected with a particular social and historical context what associated with a network of diverse speech games. Speech activity is an effective force that affects the formation of a social validity of a particular communicative community. "Richard Rortey claims that there is no reason to critisize a certain "vocabulary" using the concepts and means of this "vocabulary". According to Ludvig Vingenstein's "Philosophical investigations" the meaning of words is always determined by the context or "language game" where they are used. On the basis of Peter Kemp's researches we claim that language could be an efficient tool to create a peaceful forms of cohabitation of people".
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