Myth of "City of university" as factor of cultural image of Chernivtsi
science, university town, provincialism, scientific paradigm changeAbstract
The article analyzes the dynamics and basic regularities of Chernivtsi University scientific life in the force field of culture philosophy. In particular, there are main features of a university town identified, a secular dimension of the educational process as well as religious and national tolerance of teachers and students discussed, basic regularities in formation within Chernivtsi University of outstanding world-famous scholars as well as prominent cultural and public figures observed.
The development of the University is traced throughout the 20th century. The names of distinguished scholars who reflected glory on the institution during its Austrian development stage are reviewed: the lawyers O. Erlich and G. Gross, the historian R. Knaidl, the economist A. Schumpeter, the psychologist G. Muller et al.
Concurrently, build-up processes of the national Bukovina school are set out, which are associated with the names of such famous Ukrainian scientists and public figures as K. Tomashchuk, О. Makovei, С. Vorobkevych, І. Franko, О. Kolessa, L. Martovych, Y. Kobylianskii et al.
A detailed analysis of disadvantages and achievements of the educational and scientific process during the Soviet time (1940-1991) and the contemporary Ukrainian period is presented.
It is shown that at all times, even when political doctrines greatly affected the educational and scientific situation, the Chernivtsi scholars have belonged to one type of 'Bukovina nation'.
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