Consumer association of Bryansk steel worksat the end of the XIXth - the beginning of the XXth centuries (structural characteristics of trading activities)
consumer association, trading activities, Bryans Steel WorksAbstract
Under the influence of the European democratic and economic thought and to ensure the production with skilled workers and by improving living conditions the administration of Bryansk Steel Works was created the "Consumer Association" (1895). The total number of members of the Company at the beginning of 1896 was 1,654 persons [1, p. 2], and its share capital reached 59,079.00 rubles [1, p. 11].
The charter defined the purpose of the Association which was to provide its members with the consumption of food items at low prices, and the ability to save the profits out of the . According to that, the main activity was trade.
At the end of the 19th century - the beginning of 20th century the most widespread activity was trading in grocery products, meat and fish with the decrease in trading in flour and bread, and the main directions of expansion of trading activities were trading in the shops of the Association; the imposition of trade on the streets and markets, the creating of new branches in the neighbor cities.
From the beginning of the 20th century the trade focuses not only on the members of the Association and the employees of the works but also on the inhabitants of workers' settlements, residents of the neighboring hamlets and villages through the retail trade market.
And as it can be seen from the reports, the market trading is of the universal character. The commodity turnover is growing and there is taking place its extension towards the goods that the Association does not produce - kerosene, paint, clothing, etc. However, it should be noted that the simplification of the reporting documentation does not give us the opportunity to follow the amount of each of the products in the structure of profits, although the general trends can be noted.
This trade brings the Association from 30 to 40% of the profits, constantly increasing its amount. According to the reports there can be reached the conclusion that the highest profits of the Association belong to the stalls at the factory. However, being of the insufficient extent and the narrow source base, it is difficult to allocate where the centers of the goods distribution for small wholesale customers whose participation in the trade transactions also affect the volume of trade. And for this reason it is almost impossible to distinguish the pricing policies.
The economic crisis and social upheaval at the beginning of the 20th century oriented the Association as to the reduction of the cost of basic goods groups by creating their own production - there were created the workshops for their reprocessing: production of sausages, fat pickling, reprocessing of hides, mills, slaughterhouses, etc.
In addition there cannot be rejected possible barter economic relations with farmers who could supply the results of their work or take part in the production of finished products, for example, rope, row for bags or sacks, or barrels or tar or the like. Therefore, we believe this area of the scientific research needs further developing and expanding as well as the source base.
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