Features of the labour migration of Ukraine citizens (1991-2011)
labor migration, population trend, population, streamAbstract
The paper presents the analysis of the characteristics of labor migration from Ukraine from 1991 to 2011 is considered the geographic distribution of migration flows, qualitative and quantitative composition of migrants is analyzed from a historical perspective the impact of outflow of economically active from the territories of Ukraine. The authors outlined a list of features that are inherent in most national models of migration, which was formed as a result of peculiarities of historical development, economic conditions, social processes.
The historical context of labor migration fromUkraineon the verge of XX-XXI century is not only a social problem, but also demonstrates life character of some regions of the state. Analyzing the source base for the study of migration should be noted that in contrast to historical research, based on a range of sources (legislation, materials, statistics of participants in the events, etc..), The study of migration processes in Ukraine is rather complicated. Primarily difficult to analyze statistical data provided by the official institutions of our country. InUkrainealmost 10 years since independence, there were no official statistics of migration. Most modern scholars in their works cited official figures and "informal". In the absence of legal framework regulating the migration process, it is not possible to get the exact number of workers.
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