Environmental insurance: international experience and prospects for implementation in Ukraine





environment, environmental insurance, environmental risks, insurance companies


The aim of the article is to analyze the international experience of environmental insurance and the possibility of its application to improve the current system of environmental management inUkraine.

This paper reviews the experience of environmental insurance in countries such as theUSA,Japan, theUK, theNetherlands, theRussian Federationand other countries.

We analyse the legal framework in the field of environmental responsibility, environmental risk management techniques. We consider environmental insurance pools in different countries, as well as environmental risks insurance systems used in European countries.

Environmental risks insurance system inUkraineis under development and requires the development of effective mechanisms for its formation. Therefore, for the development of environmental insurance market in Ukraine we should: improve the legal framework of environmental insurance, create the National Fund of Environmental Insurance and the National pool of Environmental Insurance, promote international cooperation in the field of environmental insurance, finance targeted programs and projects of such cooperation.

Author Biography

Sоfia Yakymchuk, National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use

Graduate Student of Business Economics


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How to Cite

Yakymchuk, S. (2013). Environmental insurance: international experience and prospects for implementation in Ukraine. Skhid, (3(123), 70–74. https://doi.org/10.21847/1728-9343.2013.3(123).15169


