Motivational mechanism of foreign direct investment involving policy in Ukraine
motivational mechanism of foreign direct investment involving policy, foreign direct investment, investment climateAbstract
The peculiarities of Ukraine's investment climate and the main obstacles that foreign investors face during their capital investments realization are analyzed in the article. The basic problems, which restrain the Ukrainian investment climate improvement, are: absence of permanent strategy and proper plan of actions; complicated tax system; long procedure of the permissions reception and document execution; substantial tax burden; absence of national advertising.
Taking into account these problems the author defined the notion of motivational mechanism of foreign direct investment involving policy and proposed the recommendations for its development. Such mechanism includes regulatory, economic and organizational factors. These factors imply: the development of investment climate improvement strategy and positive image of Ukraine; providing of sustainable internal economic and political situation, investing transparency through regulative base improvement; providing of an important information for foreign investors; taxation system reformation; strengthening of international competitiveness in highly technological industries; providing state and regional investment stimuli and investment grants; creation of so-called "business-incubators"; providing government stimuli for investing in the depressed spheres of the Ukrainian economy and encouragement for investors to invest in regions with a high unemployment rate; strengthening the responsibility for corruption of executive power bodies and other discriminatory actions towards foreign investors; providing the state monitoring of fulfilling this plan by creation of Advisory Board on foreign investments, which would include the executive directors of international companies and banks.
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