Improvement of business activity management at industrial enterprises
business activity, industrial enterprise, management system, insurance of business activity, stimulation of business activity, activation of business activityAbstract
The article presents the system of management of business activity of industrial enterprises, which has three management directions: depending on the business activity level, depending on the stage of industrial enterprise's economic development, and depending on the economic situation on the world market, in the state and branch. The management directions are examined by the following components: the business activity level - high, average and low; the stages of enterprises' economic development - formation, development, stabilization, diversification; economic situation - period of growth, crisis and post-crisis. There have been determined and defined management stages on each management direction (on management subsystems). The work distinguishes four stages of business activity management: formation of information basis on the state of business activity; definition of criteria of optimal state of business activity in the given conditions; elaboration of measures aimed at achieving the optimal state of business activity; control of realization of managerial decisions.
The main tasks of business activity management (insurance of business activity, its activation and stimulation) have been described from the point of view of their influence on the economic condition of an industrial enterprise. There has been defined that the task on ensuring the business activity state of an enterprise is realized by achieving the pre-crisis development indices and fixing the appropriate positions. The activation of business activity needs reorganization and production modernization to increase competitive advantage; increase of production capacity simultaneously with the development of new supply chains, development of investment resources. Stimulation of business activity presupposes the upgrading of production capacity, search of investment resources for technical re-equipment, production marketing.References
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