Classification improvement of impact factors of micro-level on activity of maritime enterprises
micro-level, factors' classification, maritime enterprises, shipping companies, ports, ship-repair shore basesAbstract
Modern condition of development of transport enterprises is in poor condition, caused by the global economic crisis. Enterprises of maritime transport are especially sensitive to negative tendencies. They belong to infrastructure and dramatically depend on economic condition of the country.
The factors of macro-, meso- and micro-level influence on enterprise's activity. The enterprise can foresee, influence, correct, control, forecast only internal factors, i.e. factors of micro-level. Thanking to this matter, it is able to improve and increase its efficiency, competitiveness and avoid crisis situations.
Studying on the internal factors, defining the direction and quantitative evaluation of their impact on enterprises' activity is necessary condition to develop methodological instrument of anti-crisis management on maritime enterprises, to forecast their development, to develop particular offers regarding their efficiency increase. Additionally, activity's peculiarity of separate maritime enterprises causes gross differences in factors' forming influencing on their functioning effect.
That is why the article is devoted to research and improvement of impact factors' classification of micro-level on activity of maritime enterprises by means of distribution of internal factors according to classification groups, sub-groups detailed with synthetic and analytical performances-factors. General and specific sub-groups of impact factors on shipping companies, sea and river ports and ship-repair yards are defined. We proved necessity of factors' definition in making analysis of efficiency of enterprises' activity, finding strong and weak sides in their operation, making forecast of their development and developing effective approaches in management, including anti-crisis.References
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