Modernization of social relations on the basis of social responsibility
social responsibility, public relations, modernization, confidence, behavior, initiative, activity, legal normsAbstract
The actuality of problems of social responsibility improving increases. This negative phenomena leads to chaos and conflicts in society, prevents to development of culture relations. There is a process of disorientation of person, neglect of spiritual values, lack of development of self-realization needs, the strengthening of the philosophy of poverty. The modernization of social relations requires using of social responsibility as an instrument of influence on them, and the introduction of the control system.
In the scientific publication of A.M.Ermolenko the essence of social responsibility and the scope of its distribution were justified. The relationship of ethics and values in different social systems are viewed.
The development of the theory and practice of social responsibility is reflected in the book of scientists of Kyiv National Economic University. It presents the results of studies of social responsibility at the individual, corporate, institutional and national levels. The authors propose to look at the social responsibility as a national idea in the system of social development.
In general, the results of research and publications indicate a lack of people opinions about the manifestation of social responsibility in the various spheres of life.
That's why the results of sociological monitoring of 1992-2012 years were defined, the sources of social responsibility were identified. These are: the need in stock order in society, the enforcement of laws, legal awareness and legal assistance to protect rights and interests. The possibilities of trust, the extent of human dependence on external circumstances, initiative and independence, determination in achieving their goals were estimated. It is proved that there is a low level of motivation to socially responsible behavior of person and society. The system of management actions focused on the modernization of public relations on the principles of social responsibility was offered.
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