War and peace: ways to peace in war in the Eastern Ukraine
the theory of peace, paxology, the theory of war, polemology, information warfare, hybrid war, war of meaningsAbstract
The paper discloses the concept of “war” and “peace” in historiography from the position of (non-)violence methodology, conflictology, paxology, polemology, geophilosophy etc.It is approved that from the very beginning for peace making the methodology and terminology of paxology as peace theory should be used rather then the methodology and terminology of polemology as war theory. The specific of hybrid war is disclosed, hybrid forms of settling of deformed value orientations, substitution of senses, forming of deformed social and cultural, on the back of which spread conflict in the Eastern Ukraine, are shown. Algorithm of solution to the Eastern Ukrainian conflict is formulated, ways of negotiation of endogenous and exogenous crisis phenomena in the Eastern Ukraine in the form of “road map” is proposed.References
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