Farm republic is Thomas Jefferson's political ideal in the further development of the United States of America
farm republic, agrarian way of development, American democracy, Thomas Jefferson, the history of the United StatesAbstract
American bourgeois revolution of the eighteenth century led to the formation of the independent United States of America. Among the leaders who led the fight the special place is occupied by the apostle, the founder of American democracy - Thomas Jefferson. He sharply criticized the social system that existed in the time of monarchy and was based on private ownership. Based on the natural and socio-economic conditions, he proposed the farm development as the best political path of the United States of America. It provided that every person had the equal titles to land. So the democratic theory of Thomas Jefferson began to form. First of all, it provided the union of small independent farmers in the future. Comparing agricultural and industrial countries the social activist Jefferson emphasized the benefits of farming which primarily consisted in the absence of corruption at the state level. He saw in farmers the moral contrast to urban residents, especially European residents. The idea of agricultural development concerning the American reality found an obvious sensitiveness.
It became evident that the dominant position was not occupied by farmers, but by growers and slaveholders between which the coflict was inevitable in the future. Being the president of the United States of America Thomas Jefferson had gradually to refuse the development of the state according to the farming way for the benefit of Industrial economy of the country. The drama of American democrat Jefferson was that the agrarian theory in practice was utopian. The democratic and political ideal of Jefferson was not to come true because of the relation of class forces of contemporary U.S.A.
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