Pro-government agrarian initiatives in the Russian empire in the beginning of the twentieth century in the assessment of the modern Ukrainian historians (a summary of the historiographic review)
agrarian question, the Russian Empire, agricultural initiatives, modern Ukrainian historians, historiographyAbstract
The article analyzes the views of the modern Ukrainian historians of the agrarian problem in the Russian Empire in the beginning of the twentieth century. The emphasis is on the question of Pro-government agrarian initiatives. Attention is drawn to the works devoted to various aspects of the history of the peasantry, namely: the analysis of the land relations in the Ukrainian village, the reorganization of the agrarian sector of the economy of the country, social-economic and legal status of the peasants and others.
The conclusion is that the modern Ukrainian historiography marked by stable interest of scientists to the Pro-government agrarian initiatives in the Russian Empire in the beginning of XX century, as well as to persons, who took an active part in the solution of the agrarian question in the present time. Considerable attention is given to the works, which is considered the activities of such reformers as S. Witte and P. Stolypin.
It was noted that not less actively modern Ukrainian historians to study issues relating to the formation in Ukraine in the late 19th - early 20th century private peasant farm (farm type) in the context of the Pro-government agrarian initiatives in the Russian Empire in the early 20th century, financial aspects of the operation of farms.
An analysis of the studies of the modern Ukrainian historiography and the thesislevel.
The serious positive changes in the development of modern Ukrainian historiography, that were in the updated methodology of scientific historical knowledge, which is denoted by anthropocentrism, pluralism etc. Much wider than it became the research field, separated, the scientific directions, in particular, agrarian history.
Attention is drawn to the fact that touched on in the article the problems still remains poorly understood. In most historians are interested in the socio-economic situation of the peasantry in the early 20th century, its legal status, peasants everyday life, Stolypin's agrarian reform. Pro-government agrarian initiatives in the Russian Empire in the early 20th century are investigated mainly in passing, in the context of other topics.
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