Ecological imperative in the system of social responsibility of the society
ecological imperative, theory "living planet", social responsibility, social principle, social law, social normAbstract
The author's concept of social responsibility locates in article as intrinsic sign of social being. Social responsibility appears as a dialectical unity of opposites - the freedom and necessity, the degree of freedom and the need to measure, which must comply with the requirements of all subjects of public relations, as the requirements of the law (measures is the law).
Responsible communications and dependences, as the general factor of social self-organization, creates society structure on a vertical (society - a social community - the personality) and across (ecology, economy, policy, the right, morals, an esthetics, religion). As the general social integrator of social being social responsibility can be identified as the general social principle. The principle of social responsibility, subsystem (ecological, economic, political and others) the principles, laws and norms represent dialectic unity general, special and single, which reflects the various parties and forms of manifestation of a social responsibility in all spheres of activity of society, a social community, the personality.
In present period before a civilization there was a global problem of preservation of life on Earth therefore in our classification of social principles, laws and norms the domination place is taken by ecological responsible communications and the relations. On the basic of I. Kant`s moral imperative the author offered a definition of an ecological imperative: "No social and economic purposes can be set as society if their achievement threatens environment of dwelling of the person". The ecological imperative has to become an indispensable condition of decision-making at all levels of management of society: from regional to the nation-wide.
Permission Ukraine economic and political tasks by production of nonconventional gas by the Chevron and Shell companies in the long term threatens with an ecological disaster. It is necessary to declare urgently the moratorium on gas production, to carry out thorough independent environmental expertise and only after positive results of examination it is possible to authorize production of nonconventional gas.
The ecological imperative as peculiar "taboo" of the present, demands to reduce in the next decades production and use of uranium, coal, oil, gas and other non-renewable energy carriers and to pass to safe technologies for the nature - solar, hydraulic, wind and other.
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