Philosophical conception of educated absolutism in Ukrainian and Russian culture of the first half the 18th century
Feofan Prokopovich, the Ukrainian cultureAbstract
Article is devoted to a problem influence outstanding Ukrainian philosopher Feofan Prokopovich on development Ukrainian and Russian cultures and formation of the educated absolutism ideology in the Russian Empire of the first half the 18th century. In the article considered Prokopovich's ideological contribution to the state construction of the empire times of Peter I. The principles of the rights formulated him and duties of the owner and citizens, need of subjection church power to the secular, need of wide educational activity for the state are characterized. The major contribution was carried out by Feofan Prokopovich in the field of church reforming in the Russian Empire. The essence of this reform consisted in definition of a priority of the government over church, which created conditions for intervention of the autocrat in affairs of church policy. also by Ukrainian philosopher was formulated an obligation of church to promote public progress and a development of education and cultures.
In article affirms that basic provisions of the state Feofan's Prokopovich concept have the sources philosophical traditions of the Ukrainian culture and first of all Kiyv-Mohyla academy. Begun in this scientific institution principles of rationalism and humanity were reflected in the philosopher's views to essence of the state and a part of the host in it.
Further influence of the concept of the educated absolutism on development of the Ukrainian and Russian cultures of the XVIII century is traced. For Russian culture this influence was progressive and promoted distribution in the society of the European values. For the Ukrainian culture this influence was dual. On the one hand, the tendency to Europeanization of the Russian Empire as a part of which there was Getmanshchina, objectively was favorable for the Ukrainian culture. However at the same time deep contradictions in ideology of the educated absolutism and the Ukrainian baroque caused continuous attempts of the empire to destroy an originality of the Ukrainian culture.
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