The anthropology of the baroque man in the early work of Saint Dimithriy Rostovsky "Watered Fleece"
anthropology, identification, self-identification, axiology, phenomenon of miracle, antinomition, rhythorism and paradoxalism of the baroque aestheticsAbstract
The article addresses a row of questions, connected with analysis of problem of baroque man. The research focuses on identification and self-identification of baroque ma, i.e. the structure of his personality, his peculiarities and sense of his being. The author of this article considered the question of axiology of baroque man. The conclusion is made that saint Dimithriy Rostovskiy exploited such baroque gnosiological methods as comparisons, modeling, extrapolation and also symbolical-allegorical analogies between baroque man and earlybysantic man to reveal the dualism of those anthropologies, antinomic and paradoxical structure of their semantics. The author of the article also analyzes the axiology of baroque man, which is rooted in paradoxical ethics of the Gospel and earlybysantic aesthetics. Dimithriy Rostovsky convincingly proved that the phenomenon of miracle is real and actual, when sustained with firm faith. It is claimed that Dimithriy Rostovsky thought that the most important values are spiritual values: purity, innocence, love for the God and the hope for the mercy of Lady Madonna.
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