Content of the magazine "Ukrainskyi visnyk" of the first period of its edition as a reflection of ideological evolution of oppositional movement of the Ukrainian intelligence of 1970's
magazine "Ukrainskyi visnyk", oppositional movement, Ukrainian dissidentsAbstract
In article considered content of the magazine "Ukrainskyi visnyk" of the first period of its edition as a reflection of ideological evolution of oppositional movement of the Ukrainian intelligence in the end of the 50th - the beginning of the 80th.In the main it is reflected the history of magazine's creation and the task which were solved in a context of oppositional activity of the Ukrainian intelligence of the main period. It is mentioned, that exactly in the early seventies this movement gets new sense in connection with disappointment of youth in the possibility of developing the culture and identity in the conditions of the Soviet reality. It also gave magazine's ideological evolution for that time.
It is traced that contents of articles in "Ukrainskyi visnyk" of 1970-1974 evolve from social democratic and Marxist positions to the complete rejection of the Soviet reality. So, in the first releases are appreciable the tendencies for communistic ideology quite positively to understand, and negative manifestations are explaining in distortions of Marxist-Leninist ideas by certain representatives of the Soviet management. But in later materials the USSR is judged as inhuman state, where human rights are completely violated.
It is noted, that such a phenomenon, as the samizdat, was a peculiar form of oppositional activity of the Ukrainian intelligence conform the time. Distribution of illegal literature in where the exact facts of a human rights violation were described and the analysis of the reasons of these violations were made, created peculiar "other reality" in which the conceiving person could express their thoughts freely. Among other editions, extended in the environment of the oppositional intelligence, "Ukrainskyi visnyk" stand out with its systematization and sequence, and therefore had the greatest influence on ideas of the Ukrainian dissidentsReferences
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