The development of trends for intensification of economic activity at industrial enterprises
industrial enterprises, economic activity, dynamic model, factorsAbstract
The main indicators of the industry development in Ukraine (GDP and the share of industry participation in the formation of social welfare) are presented. The causes of inefficient activity of the industrial sector - high consumption of materials, depreciation of fixed assets, the depletion of natural resources potential are named. This paper analyzes the financial performance, environmental taxes and the level of their use for environmental protection, investment activity in the industrial sector. The study revealed the dynamics of the dominant use of the extensive way of business. The analysis of the legal framework to promote the development of the industry is offered.
The necessity of the transition to intensive mode activity is defined. The content and specificity of the process intensification of economic activities of an industrial enterprise are considered. The peculiarities of this definition are intensification and more effective use of factors for extended reproduction. The dynamic model of intensification for economic activities of the industrial enterprise, which includes the following factors: investment, material and non-material resources, products and waste produced are designed. This model allows to create a systematic notion of the resources flow to the economic activities of industrial enterprises and to identify ways for improving their effectiveness.
Traditional areas of intensification for industrial enterprises are systematized. Innovative areas of intensification of economic activity of industrial enterprises: time management, which directly affect the estimate of the value of resources used, the assessment efficiency factors of intensification are improved.
A methodological approach for assess the intensification factors of economic activities into the industrial enterprise are developed. The basis of the approach is integral method of determinate factor analysis. Assessing the impact of factors on the overall level of economic efficiency involves their decomposition into factors of income, variable and fixed costs in terms of time parameters.
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