Аnalysis of the state of main trends, problems and prospects in the development of investments in railway transport of Ukraine
railway transport, investments, innovations, economic securityAbstract
In the following article was held the analysis of the state of main trends, problems and prospects in the development of investments in railway transport of Ukraine. There was studied the relations hip between fluctuations in the physical volume of GDP and the investments in fixed capital. There was done the analysis of the influence of the main social and economical indicators and economic situation in the country for traffic volumes of transportation by all kinds of transport in particular the railway transport. There was also considered the dynamics of the intensity of investments in the economy of Ukraine and in the development of railway transport. There were determined the peculiarities of division of the common volume of investments and means of transportation and communication. In the article was held the analysis of the structure and dynamics of investment source son the railways of Ukraine, as well as the ways of their use.
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