Trends in Ukrainian retail in aspects of innovative technologies
Ukrainian retail, innovation, retail market, retailer, retail formatsAbstract
The article presents an overview of the retail market of Ukraine at the stage of its growth after the recession of 2008-2009, as a result of action by the global crisis. The structure of the common formats of retail trade market is defined and its main players are also indicated. Speaking about the main participants of the retail market in Ukraine, it should be noted that in the last two years of the main team as a whole has not undergone any changes. The lion's share of the market continues to keep native retail operators conducting an active policy by opening more retail outlets, the development of new formats, the expansion of its presence in the country. What's more - now on the market there is a clear trend of erasing the boundaries of local retail chains. The prospects and directions of further development of the Ukrainian retail market are analyzed, the role and importance of innovation for the development of world trade is evaluated, innovation priorities trading enterprises of Ukraine and trend growth are defined. Influential trends and technologies are attracting new customers and ensure the stability of sales, of which detail the Mobile commerce, as the most promising direction of development of retail networks.
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