The role of the regional system in providing the welfare of the population
region, social development, decent standard of livingAbstract
The article is focused on specific definition of the region, its specific features, additionally, the socio-economic model of region was suggested. The author comes to the conclusion that region, performing expanse -organizational, domestic-economic, socio-economic, natural-ecological functions and function of the regional management, determines the parameters of the welfare of population. Significant impact on the level of welfare of population of regions of factors such as employment, wages, economic load on the workers, development of small entrepreneurship and level of urbanization, which in total on 70 % define regional differentiation of the ratio of average per capita aggregate expenditures to the minimum subsistence level, was identified on the basis of correlation- regression analysis. The development of small business and the specific weight of urban population in total population of the regions make the most positive effect on this indicator.
The author arrives to the conclusions: firstly, significant employment impact on the dynamics of average income per capita is reached when the level of employment exceeds the indicator of 51,8 %; the indicator of the economic burden on working people causes the opposite impact. It is determined that at the present stage wages do not have a positive impact on the level of per capita expenditure of population of regions (in 2006, the impact was negative, in 2010 - weakly positive), which is explained by its low level and reduction of its specific weight in the total income.
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