A fragmented of the subject by Y. Krysteva





the subject, the unconscious, language, intertextuality, semanalys, discourse


The subject, which is in the philosophical works of Y. Krysteva and in the following philosophical interpretations of her work is explored in the article. There is shown, that Y. Krysteva strives to preserve both the subject and its functioning as a social practice. The expedience of the rethinking of the concept of transcendental subject and assertion of the subject as the split, as a series of unstable identities, controlled by the social environment, the subject in the process, which is independent of the ideology sign, which is stipulated, primarily, by the work of unconscious in psychoanalytic interpretation is proved by Y. Krysteva in the article. In article there is shown the ability of the reasoning of the subject on the base of separated levels of "semiotic" and "symbolic" that constitutes the process of the definition. Semiotic level corresponds to the doedipal stage of the subjectivity becoming, actually, it corresponds to the preverbal level of existence of the subject. Krysteva aims to the destruction of the sign as a permanent element of the structure, and makes the transition from studying of the structural language level to the beyond-structural level, which implies the dominance of the process of designation. It is investigated, that the process of the constituting of the subject occurs on the symbolic level, where other social codes, signs of ideological relations are already existent. Consideration of the incipience of the subject at both levels has been made possible in the work of Y. Krysteva thanks to semanalysis, that penetrates outwards of the symbolic, considering the language not as a one-dimensional space of rational concepts, but as a multidimensional phenomenon. The feasibility of the replacement of her own interests from structuralism to psychoanalysis and the research of nature of the subject by Y. Krysteva by means of the science about the signs by introducing of the concept of intertextuality is analyzed in the article.

Author Biography

Violeta Skyrtach, Донбаський державний педагогічний університет, м. Слов'янськ

Кандидат філософських наук, доцент кафедри філософії, соціально-політичних

та правових наук 


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How to Cite

Skyrtach, V. (2013). A fragmented of the subject by Y. Krysteva. Skhid, (1(121), 148–151. https://doi.org/10.21847/1728-9343.2013.1(121).13433


