Problem of universals of Christianities and differentia specifica of its life are in history (part V - Muscovy's dimensions of Christian idea: the optimistic tragedy and the triumph of pessimism)
archetype, myth, church, state, nation, ontological, Christian idea, the idea of Orthodox, Russian ideaAbstract
The paper is finish publication of common researches under the common title the PROBLEM OF UNIVERSALS OF CHRISTIANITES AND DIFFERENTIA SPECIFICA OF ITS LIFE ARE IN HISTORY. The analysis is centering around original features of Moscow Orthodox Christianity. The paper emphasizes that profane and sacral foundations are separated in this historical context. The incite moving of this version of Christianity more oriented to Antiquity is explored. We can observe the unequal Christian tendency that is focused on serous contradictions to Catholicism, Protestantism and Visantic's version of Orthodoxy. The paper focusers on the problems of injustice regarding these discourse as well as the evolution forms of profane world to the world of sacral justice. The paper aims at determination of a Russian idea by the grandiose utopias of the shaping intention of sacral rein. The optimistic spirits intention of Russian Orthodoxy leads to tragically circumstances and its orientation to profane suicides. Such society actualizes the tendency of rejection human norms and annihilation of social immunity. That's why only state and church can arrange the social order for peoples as well as the civilization functioning on any level.
Evidently that the eastern perception of the social life represents the paradigm of conceptualism. In the concept of Russian World we can observe the domination of realistic vision. Russian freedom is not the political or social freedom but rather the sacral freedom. The Russian civilization based on Russian idea that is rootness in realistically interpretation of freedom, justice and truth. This version of orthodoxy has to succeed in promoting the normative foundations of this framework.
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