Introduction politically repressive forms and methods of students regulation as a result of failure to solve these points through a system of "business trips"




organization of students, social-class verification, higher educational establishment, social structure


The article sets out and analyzes basic criteria, principles and mechanisms of social control political students of USSR during 1920h years. The basic measures of power were "social academic verifications of composition" and "re-registering of students". Their purpose - to withdraw enemies from educational establishment. An author tells about verifications in educational establishments of Kharkiv, Kyiv, Katerinoslava, Odesa. The attention is that the introduction of a politically repressive forms and methods of management of students dividers resulted from failure to address these issues by using the so-called system of "travel" and "curial offices". 

Author Biography

Khrystyna Khoruzhenko, Красноармійський індустріальний інститут

Кандидат історичних наук, доцент


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Central State Archive High Branch of government and management of Ukraine (next - CSAHGM of Ukraine), fond 166, оpys 3, sprava 595, arkush 267.

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Ibid, sprava 1855, arkush 22.

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Student revolutsii (1924), No. 8-9, p. 9.

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State Archive of Kyiv region, fond 1468, оpys 1, sprava 85, arkush 4.

CSAHGM of Ukraine, fond 166, оpys 5, sprava 628, arkush 97.

Student revolutsii (1925), No. 1, р. 31.

CSAHGM of Ukraine, fond 166, оpys 5, sprava 628, arkush 96.

CSAPO of Ukraine, fond 1, оpys 20, sprava 1966, arkush 9.

Ibid, sprava 2704, arkush 20.

Student Zhovtnia (1928), 15 of December.

Student Zhovtnia (1929), 15 of January; Rekonstruktor (1929), 15 of February.

Rekonstruktor (1929), 18 of April.

Student Zhovtnia (1929), 3 of April.

Refleks (1929), 7 of March; 16 of April.

Student Zhovtnia (1929), 24 of October; 30 of May; Shliakh pratsi (1929), 25 of May.

Lavrut O. O. (2004), Students of soviet Ukraine in 20-th years XX centure, Abstract of thesis for the degree of candidate of historic sciences in specialty 07.00.01 «History of Ukraine», Donetsk, p. 8.



How to Cite

Khoruzhenko, K. (2013). Introduction politically repressive forms and methods of students regulation as a result of failure to solve these points through a system of "business trips". Skhid, (1(121), 119–122.


