Transformation of the Anglo-American relations after the Second World War (1945-1949 years)
USA, United Kingdom, international relations, transformation of the politic, "special relationship", Anglo-American relations, 1945 - 1949 yearsAbstract
Given article reviews the process of transformation of Anglo-American relations after World War II. The main part of the article states that the Second World War brought changes in international relations in the second half of the XX century, putting query of transformation of world politics to each other. An Anglo-American relation was not avoided by this process as well. Therefore considerable attention is paid to factors which have permitted a change in Anglo-American relations, noting, that different economic development, a significant difference in the military-strategic situation that were determined presence of the atomic weapon in the U.S. and its absence in the UK and changing political personality in the echelons of authority the United States and Britain led to change in the nature of relations between the Anglo-Saxon countries. The article provides direct examples (termination of Lend-Lease, the Anglo-American financial agreement, the Truman Doctrine, "Palestinian question"), which you can watch the transformation in Anglo-American relations. In conclusion author comes to opinion, that period of 1945-1949 years, despite some coordinated actions on the international arena, has been difficult and ambiguous. Post-war relations between Britain and the U.S. were two-sided nature, on the one hand it was a rivalry, conflict or cooperation, on the other hand was interaction. American diplomacy does not supported important questions for their policy. Non-equal and sometimes even opposite positions are adhered by British and American governments relative to different aspects of the international policy.
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Ibid, рр. 1121-1123.
Ibid, рр. 1167.
Ibid, рр. 1179-1180.
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