Academic historical science on the base of scientific rivalry between O. K. Kasymenko and I. D. Boiko
scientific rivalry, totalitarian regime, scientific thinking, academic science, review, unsigned letter, criticismAbstract
A difficult situation in the academic community, struggle of personal interests and deployment of scientific rivalry inside the collective of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of USSR have been thrown light on in this article.
A difficult way of search of the strategy of existence-survival of the historian in the social and political context during 1940s - 1960s and his relationship with environment, power and colleagues have been researched on the base of the discussion as for the conferment of the scientific degree of the Doctor of Historical Science to the director of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of USSR O. K. Kasymenko.
The basis for a high level of conflict was created in the research groups in the conditions of existence of the totalitarian regime. In accordance with these circumstances, scientific inspectors from the ideological departments of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union gained additional levers on the representatives of the historical science, so they had an opportunity to manipulate the surroundings of scholars. The power-holding structures created favourable conditions in order to unify the scientific thinking. Disputes arose as to the assessment of the historical figures, phenomena, events, facts as the way of struggle for the leading posts. Not only separate persons, but also the whole research collectives were involved in the "showdowns", where immoral methods (appeal to influential functionaries, slanders, gossip, etc.) were used. So science was put off into the background.
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