Stock-raising, subsidiary enterprises and crafts – components of Ivano-Frankivsk region agricultural complex (1964-1991)
Ivano-Frankivsk region, reform, agriculture, stock-raising, collective farms, subsidiary enterprises, national craftsAbstract
Article, based on investigated historical literature and archival sources, analyses situation and characteristics of development of Prukarpattya agriculture, its components - stock-raising structure, part and appointment of subsidiary enterprises, demotic crafts. Entire description of sicio-economic operations, which took place on west Ukrainian lands on XXth century, is fed in investigations of: N. Julkanych, O. Kadenjuk, H. Kryvchyck, M. Lendel, O. Malyarchuk, O. Moroz, S. Padalka, G. Surgaj, S. Tymchenka etc.
For economical stabilization of undeveloped collective farms next arrangements were taken: specialization dredging, production centralization, cross-sectoral cooperation development, body perfection, adaptation of the scientific and technical achievements into production process, increase in production and complete fodders curing, consolidation of corporeal-technical base, rational use of corporeal, financial and labor resources, development of subsidiary enterprises and production processing crafts, producing of local building materials and consumer goods thanks to the new type of using staple and labor resources, increase in economical work level of collective farms, censorious conservation regime, stabilization of collective farms and their subsections with proficient administrative staff, high-qualified specialists and popular professions workers, creating necessary domestic conditions for them.
All this measures had not only economical, but also organizational character. Accurate collocation of communists on basical sections of work and amelioration of massive-political work among the population were the main aims. Invested costs created profitable conditions for conversion from mechanization of several work areas to adaptation of complex mechanization in different branches of agricultural production. However command-administrative methods of agricultural administering as well as natural and climatic conditions of Carpathian mountains affected on achievement success in development of agriculture. Conversion for commercial terms of management perplexed the situation, because all power stayed on the arms of pragmatical assignees of communist parti.
Big agricultural farm may achieve high affectivity thanks to the: adaptation of the new technologies, scientific achievements, previous experience and maximal using of earth; better possible realization, processing and saving of production and corporeal. However advantages of big farms should be rated on the aspect of optimal sizes, apart for base and foothill regions. Soviet experience of management concerning mountain collective farms showed their total unprofitability. Program of centralization and specialization of production with optimal accesses can provide high income. Behind the certain ranges works specific factors, which reduce affectivity of producing - growing of administrating, managing unit, increase of transport charges, etc. Such farms exist for income but if gain doesn't countervail charges, they will bust without state endorse. Problems of big agricultural farms relent thanks to their cooperation, specialization dredging and integration with different enterprises.
Big farms are interested in subsisting beside small agricultural farms, which can supply them with seasonal work power for lease. Small agricultural farms can exist during the period economic crisis, financial problems. For centuries peasants could work and cultivate farmlands even than when farm was unbeneficial as a marketable - staying natural, detrimental. Economical politic of the country should anticipate equality possibilities for different conformations of property and management.
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Ibid, arkush 2–3.
Ibid, arkush 3.
Ibid, arkush 4–5.
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