The socio-political activity of K. Tryliovskyi (during 1920-1930 years)
Kyrylo Tryliovskyi, socio-political activity, Ukrainian Social-Radical Party, Ukrainian Social-Radical Party – Left, "Kameniari", electionsAbstract
The article examines the socio-political activity of K. Tryliovskyi during the 1920-1930 years, which included his participation in the Ukrainian Social-Radical Party, the Ukrainian Social-Radical Party - Left and youth association "Kameniari", folk meeting. As a result of the study it can be concluded that the socio-political activity K. Tryliovskyi was very diverse. Despite his already elderly age, statesman actively participated in election campaigns to the Polish Sejm and Senate. Although new party, created by K. Tryliovskyi, contributed to the development of destructive tendencies among radicals, but then, overcome his own political ambitions, social activist became one of the most active politicians of USRP in Kolomyia county. Understanding the need and importance of cultural and national-patriotic work among youth, K. Tryliovskyi was also one of the leading figures of society "Kameniari" in Kolomyia county, actively supported the development of Sich movement among Ukrainian immigrants in the United States and Czechoslovakia. Thus, his social and political activities made a significant impact on the public life of Galicia, contributed to the rise of national and political consciousness of the Ukrainian in the region and abroad.
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